Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sould I start cleansing the earth of liberals?

How can these abortion supporters not realize fetuses are most certainly alive in the womb.It just goes to show libs are not as smart as they think they are.LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDERSould I start cleansing the earth of liberals?
Personally, I don't think a foetus has personhood and so I don't see anything immoral with terminating an early pregnancy. I also think that it's counter-intuitive for someone to object to abortion without being a vegetarian. Plus there are individual circumstances for each case and totally dismissing the opportunity of abortion would be ignorant.Sould I start cleansing the earth of liberals?
You can take out one, but another will just pop up in their place.
I'm Liberal and very much against abortion. Please don't make assumptions about people.
First, you need to learn how to spell. Second, who do you think you are? Are you God? Did he command you anywhere in the Bible to kill any group of people?

Personally, I think abortion is morally wrong. However, I know that the first and foremost message AND commandment of Christianity is LOVE, not judgment, not vengence, and definitely not murder.

Also, I will defend anybody's rights regardless of my moral feelings, something some people view as a Liberal weakness. I am proud to be a Liberal even if it's considered a ';mental disorder'; by those who display all the signs and symptoms of being clinically deranged.
I dont favor abortion in general and I wish there were as few of them as possible.

However, I don't feel it's my place to take away the option for someone who feels they need it. I don't want to get in the business of making any kind of medical or life changing decisions for anyone else.

The real question should be, why do so many abortion foes also oppose easier access to birth control and sex education information? It seems like that would be a good way to prevent unwanted pregnancies and hence, future abortions.
Maybe some of the liberals believe people should have the right to make the choice. Wouldn't be better to give birth to an unwanted baby and throw out in a garbage bag. At least with early abortion the fetus is just the possibility of a baby. In some cases of incest or rape abortion may be the better choice for the individual. Do not believe in abortion used as a form of birth control nor after 2 months.
Thank goodness for Freedom of Speech!

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