Saturday, December 26, 2009

How do I cleanse my Amethyst stone?


I've been using those stones for two years now. I know what to do. Follow these steps.

1. Get a bag od sea salt (or cooking salt in a sack), you'll have to place the amethyst under the bag after cleaning it. That was how the ancient healers stopped the bleeding from an injured person's wound.

2.Clean the stone with soft soap thoroughly and dry it with a clean cloth or let it sit on a clean towel to air dry

As you're cleaning it, try not to think of anything bad because the bad energy will sink into the stone and reflect onto you when you're seeking good energy, so think of nice things

3. Place it in the sun for four to twelve hours because the sun gives it natural energy as well as the energy you put into it by holding it.

4. You're done with it, so it is cleansed and you will notice the differencesHow do I cleanse my Amethyst stone?
I usually take a small amount of soap and water and an old toothbrush to get into the crevices. I let it dry in the sun and re-charge in the moonlight.How do I cleanse my Amethyst stone?
salt water (over night) to cleanse it. bury in the ground for grounding.
Water, maybe add a little soap.

Rinse thoroughly.

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