Saturday, December 26, 2009

Is there any way to cleanse marijuana out of your system??

is there any way to cleanse marijuana out of your system? drinking plenty of water with vingear with cranberry juice?Is there any way to cleanse marijuana out of your system??
you wouldn't need to cleanse it out, if you didn't use it in the first place.Is there any way to cleanse marijuana out of your system??
Stop smoking geta detoxify kit.
you should just not do it then you wouldnt have to worry about getting caught with it
quit smoking pot.. that is the best way to cleanse your system
Yes, stop smoking weed.
yep if you quit now and will take at least 5 years to clean your system by body's own molecules
Well they make those detox drinks but usually if you drink that you'll fail the drug test anyway because you'll have absolutely nothing at all in your pee, no protein or anything so they'll know that you took it. GNC make this stuff called Goldenseal which gives your body a natural resistance, if you take that for a week before your drug test and drink lots of water and take some multivitamins you should be alright! THat's what my man did, he passed, I've never had to take a drug test so I don't have personal experience.
Yep - STOP SMOKING IT! Then wait a few months. :) You know, it's called ';dope'; for a reason.
Go get some gelatin, not the flavored kind, and drink all day.

But seriously, don't do drugs.
Stop using it!!!
that won't work.just not smoking for at least 30 days is really the ONLY way. anyone who tells you different is lying or wants your money.thc stays in your fat, and cant be cleansed from you.
tell your boss what you do on your own time is not his business
The cranberry juice works but you will still need a good 72 hours from you last interaction with the drug. However depending on the testing it can stay in your hair follicles for weeks.

Although illegal, I don't think it is wrong to smoke pot. But understand what it is doing to your system before hand (I suggest reading its listing in the physicians desk reference PDR) In moderation it really isn't any worse than alcohol. But nothing should be done to excess

Stay off the drugs.
If you have a drug in your system, the current drug tests will find it. None of the products you can buy will help. As a matter of fact, the chemicals in these products are tested for themselves, and are flags for a more comprehensive look at you and your ';pharmaceutical'; usage. They can also take a sample of your hair and find anything that you have been using. Hair grows at a fairly consistent rate, so they can even get a reasonably close approximation of when you ingested the drug. The tests are so sensitive that diluting your urine will just make you uncomfortable. I administer all of the pre-hiring and post incident clearances for a large public safety entity, and experience has shown me that if it's there, we will probably find it.
golden sea; root capsule and 100% pure cranberry kuice will speed the cleansing process
It takes time to get out of your system. The THC is absorbed into your fat cells and slowly released. The 'detox' kits require you to take large amounts of fluid, this is because the fluid dilutes your urine and lowers the amount of THC that would be detectable on a test. If you have no choice but to take a drug test, then there are a couple things you can do;

First, do NOT give your first sample of the day, it will definitely be dirty.

Drink a couple of quarts of juice before you go, but if you drink too much, they will be able to tell are you trying to dilute your urine.

It also depends on how often you smoke, if you smoke on a regular basis, it will usually take a month or longer to get out.

If you only smoke once and have been clean for a couple months before that, you could be clean in about a week.
I have heard plenty of pot heads say that goldenseal will, you can get it at Wal-Mart in the vitamin section. The only problem is that came from a pot head, do you think it is true, sometimes they don't know what they are talking about so :-??
stop smoking it
sure, try it.

it's not only not going to work, but it's also disgusting

or you can try:

-a complete blood transfusion

-wait til it's out by itself (abouth a month)

and btw, what's wrong with you? can't you just get high on alcohol???
There are supposed to be anti-toxins you can buy at health food stores, but you can't hide your usage of any drug if whomever you taking a drug test for by taking a hair sample. Hair samples are a dead giveway for drug usage. Ask your doctor.
stop smoking it for 30 days or go to rehab
go to wal-mart and buy some niacin its like 8 bucks a bottle

and it makes you hot as piss for about an hour but it works and if you live where theres no wal-mart you can get it on the internet or jog and drink 10 litters of water a day for a week.

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