Monday, December 21, 2009

I have dull constant pain under my right rear ribcage. Is it safe to do a 1 month Colonix Intestinal cleanse?

I have had this exact pain before. I used to get kidney and urinary tract infections years ago but havent had that in a decade. When a pain in the same place returned, and there was no stinging urination a nurse friend guessed, due to what they call 'rabbit pellet' poop, that it's a kink in the bend of my large (upper). To treat my pain I ate oatmeal for days and finally, brownie mix with lots of oil. I don't know if that's what fixed it, but the pain did subside. I am thinking of doing a 1 -2 month Colonix treatment, as maybe something kinky is in my upper colon. But... HERE'S WHAT I WANT TO KNOW - if it turns out that I have a sick kidney, liver, pancreas or gallbladder, will the Colonix Intestinal Cleaner treatment stress or hurt those organs? Thanks in advance.I have dull constant pain under my right rear ribcage. Is it safe to do a 1 month Colonix Intestinal cleanse?
colonics is great ONLY IF DONE BY AN EXPERIENCED PROPERLY LICENSED PERSON. your bowel could be cut and then you;ll have a GI bleed (which is really bad and really smelly and all the people in the ER will know what's wrong with you b/c you'll stink up the whole hall you're on) Not to mention if it's cut through in a tiny spot and then feces gets into your body.

Try a juice fast to let your colon rest first.
  • headache
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