Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What is the recipe for the lemonade used in the Master Cleanse diet?

Preparing the Lemonade


2 tablespoons lemon juice (use only organic lemons)

2 tablespoons grade-B maple syrup

1/10th teaspoon cayenne pepper


Dissolve all ingredients in 8 oz water.

Prepare the lemonade as given. Do not change the proportion of any ingredient. The lemonade may not give you the desired results. Do not substitute the maple syrup or cayenne pepper with anything else. The use of honey in this lemonade is a strict 'NO'.

You can substitute the water with fresh sugarcane juice if available. If using fresh sugarcane juice eliminate the maple syrup. The reason why this is not usually told is that fresh sugarcane juice is not readily available in the US. This is very useful for persons living in most of the Asian countries where fresh sugarcane juice is available in plenty, not maple syrup.

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