Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How can i cleanse my mind and soul?

iv been having a terrible life lately, i dont enjoy life like i should i im being very negative and just wasting my life pretty much. how can i be more positive, back in the days years ago in my teen yearas i was the happiest person ever i enjoyed every second of my life NOW i hate life.How can i clean everything out of me and refresh myself inside?How can i cleanse my mind and soul?
The older you get, the more cynical you become. life gets harder and harder every year. Our frail shoulder have to carry many heavy burdens. Look to the bible for guidance, for there are many things to rejoice over. If you want to start now, make a list of things you have that other people would literally die for. You will feel better. How can i cleanse my mind and soul?
Take up martial arts under a teacher who understands the role Zen.

It is easier said than done but simply change your perspective. When you wake up, say to yourself, today is a good day.

You must heal your mind, body, and spirit.

Martial arts training does all three when you go to a good school.

Try it out sometime. To test this do a good solid cardio workout. See how you feel, tired yes, but good?

Get some sunshine each day. Take a walk in the sun for about 15 to 30 minutes. Put all the distractions of life out of your mind and simply just consider your surroundings. Hear the birds, feel the wind and sun.

Let go your past guilt. Life is simply a collection of choices. If you have made bad choices then let it go, learn, and make a better choice later.

Lastly, you need to let go your feelings of worthlessness. You are a human and worth every once of your being.
just think about the positive side of everything. it could always be worse, so be happy with what you have, rather than focus on everything you don't have :] someone else always has it worse off than you do; so be happy you're blessed enough to have it better than some others who are less fortunate. and be happy that you're just..alive! just be positive and you'll feel sooooo much better.
Confession is the only way to empty your self.

But also it is maturity, we grow older and take on worries cares responsibility. we have to put away are carefree childhoods and replace it with adult life.

Pray a little and contemplate God, this is called for in life, it is that time to set yourself straight and become a guide to the younger ones.

you need a new hobby maybe, do something that you like, get out of life's rut.
Francis Loyola has a small booklet on how to set up ones life so as to become pure. He founded the jesuits so he ought to have some great ideas. I forget the title but you should be able to google it by author. Many of the mystics left written guidelines, Teresa Avila ( severe ) Theresa Liesieux ( much happier) and others.You might try a little thoma Merton but this wont be step by step. Good luck.
Accept Jesus. And know he is with you. loves you. And is willing to give you all the happyness. I know. I was once like you. You reached the age of accountability. God watched over you. And brought you to a point where you have to choose what road you want to travel. the easy road. With Jesus or the hard road. Without. Im not saying go to church, yet. Just pray and read your Bible just a little. Read John. God Bless.

We think of the past.

We think of future happiness.

The future is soon here and we still think of future happiness. So we never experience happiness. Ever, unless....

Start - right NOW.

This simple principle has changed my life! It will change yours as well.

Get in the spirit of NOW, right NOW! Don't wait, don't put it off! Start enjoying life.

God love you.
You sound a little bit depressed. You should try doing yoga and exercising. You should also hang out with friends. Try to remember that things could be worse, and just be grateful for what you have. If this doesn't work you should see a psychiatrist in case you are depressed.




The only way I can cleanse my mind and soul is through immersing myself in God's word and meditating on him instead of myself. Tell him in prayer how you feel and you'll be amazed at how differently life will look. Live for him.
Approach you local church of whatever faith or denomination, and have a word with the pastor there. Commune with good Godly souls and you will soon soak up the positive atmosphere.
how about a vacation? maybe you've had too much stress the past few months - it's taken a lot out of you. a good, clean vacation where you can detox all that negativity and refresh your senses. Meditation helps too.
Back to basics my friend. We all go through times of turmoil, whether self induced or not. Go read my friend's blog: She is so Encouraging and helps remind us that God is still in control. I will ask her to join me in praying for you.
Soap %26amp; water? Just kidding. Maybe a change of scenery is in order. A new look. Try to change from without first. See if it helps. Its much easier than trying to change yourself, which is kind of impossible.
You'll find a pint of Guinness Stout or some Bartelby's Pale Ale will work wonders and cleanse body and mind. If in America, replace with a few shots of Jack Daniels which 'twill serve, 'twill serve well.
you cant,realize life suks.......get with should have had fun while you were young.not you an adult....things get more complacated.its what adult life is like....get use to it!
An holy ghost enema.
well u could go to god and ask for forgiveness if you believe in him do good things and maybe get baptized
Take a ride on your bike, try to meditate when possible. :)
go to the bar and drink until you forget
john 3:16
That's what Jesus does.
You have taken the first step. To recognize that something is wrong and that you are not happy.

The next step is to analyze what is making you unhappy. Make a list. Then make a plan. This is goal setting. Make sure that the goals you set are realistic and achievable. Give yourself rewards for accomplishments along the way.

For example: I have no direction in my life. Goal: To find a direction and head toward it. Let's say it is a new career. Will it require education or hands on experience or both. How will you pay for the education or how will you get the experience. Set up a plan. Begin to achieve it.

This works for all areas of your life. I do know that when things are out of whack in your physical, emotional, spiritual, and social areas of your life that you will not feel the happiness that you desire. Look at each of these areas and see how you can improve the things that you do not like.

Stephen R. Covey has written a lot of great books on setting goals and achieving happiness. Maybe you could check one out from the library and read it.

A note on not being negative. When I was in college I had a neat experience. As I was walking to class one day, everyone I saw had something wrong with them. His hair was too long, she was fat, he was old and wrinkled, she was stuck up etc. etc. etc. Then I realized that I was really unhappy that day. Everything was going wrong. I decided to try an experiment. Instead of finding something wrong with everyone I walked by, I would think of something good about them. I tried it. She was pretty, he was dressed nicely, she had pretty hair, etc. etc. etc. I started feeling good inside. I started feeling happy. I realized that I did not have the right to judge others unkindly, and that to do so made me miserable. When I tried to see the good in others I was happier. I think this is the case with all of life. Seeing the good in all things not the bad. This makes us happy and enriches our lives. Try it and see if it works for you!

Lastly, I don't think that any of us can be truly happy if we are breaking the commandments of God. He has given each of us a conscience that tells us when we are doing something wrong. Listen to it. When you feel inside that you are doing something wrong, then go in prayer to your Father in Heaven and ask him for help and forgiveness. I have found in my life that whenever I have gone in prayer and been sincere and humble that he has never let me down. Learn to be patient and to recognize the things he is telling you through the Holy Ghost. I know that our Father in Heaven loves you and he will help you when you trust in him.

Good luck and God bless you! I hope this advice helps you in some way.

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